傳 真:0459-5616000
包覆墊片Covering gasket
The main purpose of the covering gasket is suitable for sealing the flange of larger diameter pressure vessels, such as heat exchangers and reactors. All kinds of media such as pumps, valves, pipes and flanges are sealed.Suitable for medium and low voltage conditions.
波齒墊片Wave tooth gasket
The wave tooth gasket is especially suitable for high temperature, high pressure and alternating condition conditions. It is an ideal substitute for the traditional metal coated gasket at the flange connection of the heatexchanger and the container.
纏繞墊片Spiral Wound Gasket
The spiral gasket is especially suitable for occasions with uneven load, easy joining force to relax, periodic change of temperature and pressure, impact or vibration. Spiral wound gasket is the ideal static seal for valves, pumps, heat ex changers, towers,manholes and hand holes.
非金屬墊片Nonmetal gasket
It is mainly used in sealing of water, steam, oil, solvent, midpoint acid, alkali, and medium and low pressure flange.
金屬環(huán)墊片Metal ring gasket
The metal ring gasket has three main characteristics: high temperature resistance and high pressure resistance. It is suitable for high pressure flange. The sealing is durable and reliable.
金屬平墊片Metal flat gasket
The metal flat gasket is made of integral metal machined and used for sealing parts such as pressure vessels, towers, grooves and bonnets. There are aluminum flat pads, copper pads and stainless steel pads.
Heilongjiang Jiaxin Petrochemical Machinery